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FAMILY TIES: Tracing your ancestry
by Dan Burrows

     I have a dozen or so articles that I wrote for a newspaper column a couple years ago to explain genealogy to the general public and to act as a basic course to get people started.  Much of the material is what we use when we teach the basic course at the Genealogical Society.  I have skipped article one as it merely talks about the Society and I have done slight editing to make them compatible with this list.  Much will serve as a reminder to those of us who sometimes forget to do the basic items when we start a new line (myself included).  I was sent a tip from a reader regarding article 2 to remind you and ask again questions of those elderly relatives when you revisit them.  They just might remember more the second time around -- you no doubt got them thinking about things after your first visit.
Article 2 - A Basic Course in Genealogy
Article 3 - Visiting genealogical and historical libraries
Article 4 - The next step after visiting genealogical and historical libraries.
Article 5 - The use of Alternative Vital Records
Article 6 - The use of Census Records
Article 7 - The use of Compiled Sources
Article 8 - General info and Disease List
Article 9 - Orange County Research Offices
Article 10 - Land Records
Article 11 - Civil War Draft
Article 12 - Military Records
Article 13 - Newspapers
Article 14 - Occupations
The Orange County NYGenweb would like to extend it thanks to Mr. Daniel Burrows for granting permission to present his genalogy articles here for the benefits of our readers.

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