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Civil War Volunteers
New Windsor, NY

The following is a list of Civil War volunteers from New Windsor New York.   The list was compiled by Glenn Marshall, Historian for the Town of New Windsor, and is provided here by him for the research benefit of our readers.
Acker James
15th Cavalry

Ackerman Daniel
124th Regt.

Ackert William H

Anderson George L

Anthony J Newton Mozart

Areson Stephen W 9th N.Y.Regt.

Babcock Theodore W 166th Regt.

Baird Ira H

Baird Thomas
2nd Calvary

Balf William C 3rd Regt. Co. B

Beames John
168th Regt.

Benjamin John F 2nd Calvary

Benjamin Samuel A 2nd Calvary

Bennett Garrett II 124th Regt.
Wounded at Gettysburg Died Jan. 17, 1865 of pneum
Bennett James

substitute supplied by Daniel C. Chandler 3 yrs.
Bennett John W 124th Regt.
Prisoner Chancellorsville deserted on parole
Bigger Samuel
15th Artillery

Bowen George L 7th Ind. Battalion
Discharged Jan. 1863
Bowers Harvey

Bowles William J U.S. Colored

Boyd Andrew M Co.B. 124th Regt
MIA June 6,1864
Bradley John
56th Regt.

Brock Selah
124th Regt.
wounded at Gettysburg discharged Feb. 2,1864
Brown Charles
168th Regt.

Brown Isaac V.D. 7th Battalion

Brown John
2nd Calvary

Brown John
Berdan's S.S.

Brown Josiah H 2nd Calvary

Brown Francis

substitute supplied by Lucas Oakley 3yrs.
Brundage J Howley Mozart

Buckmaster Robert M 71st Regt.& Co. B 9th Regt.

Bulkley Frederick
7th Battalion

Burns John
124th Regt.

Burns Martin
15th Artillery

Burns Matthew
36th Regt.

Burton William

Bush Joseph H 15th Artillery

Butler John
166th Regt.

Call Joel
166th Regt.

Cameron William H 2nd Battalion

Carr David
166ht Regt.

Carr Solomon
124th REgt.

Carroll Dennis
168th Regt.

Casey Joseph N 124th Regt.

Casey William
124th Regt.

Chambers John
124th Regt. Co. G.
Died April 22,1864
Cherry Sylvanus B

Clearwater William B

Cloyd David C 87th Regt. Lieut. Resigned May 8, 1866 died at New Windsor
Cloyd James C 87th Regt.
wounded at Fair Oaks, discharged
Cohner Andrew

substitute supplied by Charles F. Burnett 3yrs.
Coldwell William
2nd Calvary
Coleman George S 166th Regt.

Coleman George W 124th Regt.
Killed at Chancellorsville
Conkling Edward
156th Regt

Conkling Edward
156th Regt.

Conkling James
156th Regt.

Conkling Martin C 166th Regt.

Conkling Peter R 166th Regt.

Conner James R

substitute supplied by Shadrick V. Cooper 3 yrs.
Cook Francis
168th Regt.

Cooper charles G 124th Regt. co. G

Courter David L 87th Regt.

Cox Robert

substitute supplied by Charles Caldwell 3 yrs.
Craig Robert C 168th Regt.

Cranes Peter O

substitute supplied by Charles Jones 3 yrs.
Cressy Charles T 124th Regt. Co. A Lieut. died of disease Jan.14,1864
Crowse William H 7th Battalion

Curtis Robert
168th Regt.

Cypher Henry L 56th Regt.

Davis Charles
2nd Calvary

Davis John
80th Artillery

Davy George W 2nd Calvary

Davy John James 2nd Calvary

De Groat Hiram W 124th Regt.
went to 93rd Regt.
De GRoat Nelson
124th Regt.
died at New Windsor
Decker Garret
124th Regt.

Derwin Joseph S 20th U.S. Colored

Diamond Charles
20th U.S. Colored

Dickson Francis
124th Regt.
went to 93rd Regt.
Doitline John
98th Regt.
also in 168th
Doty Ezra
98th Regt.

Dougherty Robert
2nd Calvary

Downing Charles
124th Regt. Co. E
served full term
Downs James
2nd Calvary

Dutcher Timothy

Duzenberry Zenophen
124th Regt.

Edwards Charles
124th Regt. Co. I
Killed at Gettysburg
Ellis A Van Horne 124th REgt. & 71st REgt. Colonel Killed At Gettysburg
Ellison Robert

substitute supplied by John R. Caldwell 3 yrs.
Ellsworth Frank
7th Battalion

Ennis Michael
7th Artillery

Ensign Charles A 124th Regt. Co. I

Fairchild Andrew
63rd Regt.

Faulkner Matthew
15th Artillery

Fitzgibbons Patrick
7th Artillery

Foot Horatio
7th Mass. Regt.

Frohlick Rudolph

Fuller Alex D 7th Artillery & 63rd Regt.
re-enlisted Jan. 18,1864
Fulton Charles

Gage Eli
87th Regt. Co. K

Gardner Daniel S 124th Regt.
Wounded May 3, 1863 in hospital until December se
Garrison David
166th Regt.

Garrison John W 166th Regt.

Gerow Charles N 2nd Calvary

Glen Edward
124th Regt.

Goeklius Isaac N 124th Regt. Co.A
wounded at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863
Graham William
2nd Calvary

Greely Cyrus D 7th Battalion

Griffin John

substitute supplied by James V.K. Miller 3 yrs.
Harris George
2nd Calvary

Hider William H 2nd Calvary

Higgins Benjamin F 2nd Calvary

Holland Martin

substitute suppliede by Robert R. Burnett 3 yrs.
Hovercamp Jacob
16th Regt.

Howard James E 7th Battalion

Howe Ira F

Hughs John H 56th Regt.

Humphries George H

Humphries Joseph
63rd Regt.

Jennings Daniel C 124th Regt.

Jennings Thomas
166th Regt.

Johnson George B 2nd Artillery

Johnson Thomas

Jones William
2nd Calvary

Kane Thomas D 56th Regt.

Kelly John

substitute supplied by James H. Miller 3 yrs.
Kelly Marcus
U.S. Colored

Kelly Nathaniel
2nd Calvary

Kemp James H 7th Artillery
mustered out July 31,1865
King Thomas

substitute supplied by Thomas J. Fulton Jr. 3 yrs
King William H 2nd Calvary

Kirk charles H 168th Regt.

Kirk David
168th Regt.

Kirkwood Andrew
6th Calvary

Krampf Henry
15th Artillery

La Fountain John
2nd Calvary

Latham Samuel D 124th Regt.

Leahy Patrick
168th Regt.

Lee Edward

substitute supplied by David F. Wood 3 yrs.
Lelan John

substitute supplied by John Jones 3 yrs.
Lent Henry
56th Regt.

Lent James
56th Regt.

Lynch William
15th Calvary

Mabie Jeremiah
168th Regt.

Mackay Edward
15th Calvary

Mahan James
20th Conn.

Malone John
168th Regt.

Manly John
2nd Calvary

Many Mortimer
36th Regt.

Matthews James
7th Battailon

Maxwell Robert
2nd Calvary

Mayee Anton

substitute supplied by John Derbyshire 3 yrs Dec.
McCartney John
168th Regt.

McConnell Andrew J

McCormick Robert B 36th Regt. co.B

McCullough Hamilton
2nd Calvary

McIntyre Martin V 7th I. Battalion Lieut.
McMahon Francis
124ht Regt. Co. G
wounded at Jones Cross Roads Nov. 27, 1863
McMahon Michael
56th Regt.

Miller Charles
2nd Calvary

Milliken James
15th Artillery

Moffit James

substitute supplied by Benjamin Upright 3 yrs Dec
Morehead John
7th Battalion

Morgan George
124th Regt.

Morrow Frank
124th Regt.

Morrow Stephen
2nd Calvary

Morton Charles E
2nd Calvary
Morton George C 2nd Calvary Lieut.
Murphy John

Murphy Martin V 2nd Met. Rifles

Murray Horton

substitute supplied by John H. Walsh 3 yrs.
Newell Jacob
166th Regt.

Oakley William S

O'Hara Daniel
124th Regt. Co. C
wounded at Chancellorsville tranferred to V.R. Co
Oney Edward
124th Regt.

Overton John B 2nd Met. Rifles

Owen William R 124th Regt.
shot throught breast at Spotsylvania 5/12/1864 di
Parker Charles H 2nd Calvary

Passwater Thomas E 56th Regt.

Peters John

substitute supplied by Lewis A. Van Cleft 3 yrs.
Pierce Bowen
166th Regt.

Pierce Edmund A 166th Regt.

Pike George
3rd N.Y. Regt.

Pires Wesley
3rd Alb.

Post Beverly
7th Artillery

Price Arthur C 56th Regt.

Quinn Edward
56th Regt.

Rake Isaac
168th Regt.

Reeder Jacob

substitute supplied by William Y Denniston 3 yrs.
Reid William
7th Battalion

Rilet Thomas
87th Regt. Co. R

Roach James
1st Engineers

Robinson John H 2nd Calvary

Rodgers Edgar
2nd Calvary

Roe Edward R 2nd Calvary

Root George O 166th Regt.

Root James
87th Regt.

Roselle James

Ryan James
124th Regt.

Schmidt Charles

substitute supplied by George C. Humphries 3 yrs.
Schneider Victor
98th Regt.

Schroder William

substitute supplied by William F. Scott 3 yrs.
Schrompff Isaac

substitute supplied by Granville C. Terwilliger 3
Seaman Charles
124th Regt.Co. H
killed at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863
Shaw Rodman
166th Regt.

Simmons Charles

not on roll by that name
Simons Daniel J

Simons Lymon N

Smith Abraham
7th I.B.

Smith James H Mozart

Smith John H 7th Battalion

Smith John
168th Regt.

Smith William
168th Regt.

Snell David H 87th Regt.

Sniffen William
56th Regt.

Snyder Alexander

Stafford John J 124th Regt. Co. E
discharged March 23, 1863 at hospital
Stalter Abraham
124th Regt. Co. G
wounded at Chancellorsville transferred to Vet. R
Stalter Peter T 124th Regt. Co. E
discharged at Washingtonville Nov. 3, 1862
Storms William

Thew John

substitute supplied by John N. Caldwell 3 yrs.
Tilton James D 124th Regt. Co. C
supposed killed at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863
Topping Jacob
Duryea's Z

Tuttle Abraham
71st Regt. M


substitute supplied by Charles Smith 3 yrs
Van Gordon William R 7th Battalion

Van Horn Thomas
26th U.S. Colored

Vassler M

substitute supplied by Luther Denniston 3 yrs.
Verplanck William A 124th Regt. Co. E Lieut. discharged Sept. 15, 1863
Walton John H 15th Artillery

Ward George V 168th Regt.

Wilbert Charles
98th Regt.

Wilbert Louis
98th Regt.

Wilson Jr. Robert
7th Ind. B.

Wise Albert
124th Regt. Co. C
wounded at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 sick from
Wood William B 166th Regt.

Youmans George
7th Artillery

The Orange County NYGenweb would like to extend it thanks to Glenn Marshall, Town of New Windsor Historian, for sharing the above information with our readers.
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