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Potters Field

The following is a compilation of the individuals buried at a paupers cemetery as determined by a reading of their respective tombstones. The cemetery is located off of Quarry Road, Goshen, NY. There are over six hundred tombstones in the cemetery, but the information on many of them can no longer be decipher. The information was compiled by Maude Conklin, Gertie Rose and Barbara Rose Defalco and is graciously provided by them here for the benefit of the Orange County genealogical researcher.
Name Death Date Age
Agneely, Debarah
Anderson, Jessie 12/18/1883 5 months
Anderson, John 11/11/1921 77
Armstrong, George 09/28/1923 87
Arnott, Smith 09/23/1896 29
Baker, Stephen 03/31/1935 78
Ballard, Susan 08/09/1896 32
Barnes, John 06/22/1929 90
Barnes, William 09/21/1883 67
Barrison, Martha 09/17/1883 90
Booth, Marten V. 12/28/1883 48
Boston, Frank J. 12/18/1934 63
Boyce, Charles 01/03/1918 18
Breman, John 03/06/1925 59
Brewster, Charles 11/26/1890 73
Brooks, Andrew 09/16/1899 78
Brooks, Charles 01/04/1931 51
Brown, Jennie 09/09/1909 19
Brown, Samuel 06/18/1893 91
Brown, Susan 10/16/1890 69
Burns, Andrew 05/24/1918 89
Cameron, John 05/18/1919 61
Campbell, Neil 05/21/1890 74
Cassidy, Thomas 10/02/1919 74
Clark, George 03/29/1921 68
Clearwater, Henry 06/05/1896 77
Cole, William S. 10/22/1889 78
Conklin, William 10/18/1918 71
Connelly, James 08/11/1898  
Conners, Catherine 02/02/1890 80
Conway, John 03/20/1890 90
Conway, Thomas 05/18/1918 74
Costello, John   66
Courtright, Albert 10/28/1917 37
Crist, William 07/27/1882 66
Cromwell, Charles 07/04/1921 87
Davenport, Moses 08/18/1989 84
Davis, George 04/06/1924 74
DeGrand, Ida 11/08/1883 2 months
DeGraw, John 09/05/1922 78
DeGroat, Richard 01/13/1936  
Dean, Samuel 11/26/1890 80 or 86
Decker, Abram 03/14/1895 65
Dehope, Albert 04/06/1922 61
Dempsey, James 02/16/1909 26 or 76
Denneston, Charles 10/17/1890 69
DuBois, Leonard   82
Edwell, John W. 12/05/1882 51
Enderley, Jane 04/03/1931 80
Fannessey, Morten 02/19/1918 60
Fennigan, Levi 07/25/1918 63
Finnegan, John   25
Florance, Margaret 02/12/1890 42
Flynn, Ellen 04/22/1918 78
Gannon, William 01/04/1946 65
Gardener, Annie 02/09/1922 60
Gardner, Richard 04/14/1897  
Garr, Dewitt 01/25/1918 82
Gately, Emma   68
Gates, Lena 09/04/1896  
German, George 02/28/1935 86
Grabb, Henry 02/24/1897 85
Grant, John 01/15/1898 22
Greely, Michail 05/21/1919 59
Green, Cisero 04/04/1898 65
Green, Maria   80
Gulver, Henry 02/11/1890 52
Hagan, Hiram 01/14/1890 87
Hall, George 07/27/1889 18
Halstead, Emmett 07/25/1918 56
Hamilton, Ann 06/28/1921 8
Harnott, Mary 10/22/1918 84
Hayes, John 03/16/1933 89
Heel, Bernard 04/08/1924 68
Hobert, Moses 09/14/1909 75
Hopkins, John 09/25/1919 59
Hopkins, Torenzo 02/23/1918 76
Howell, Jessie 07/20/1889 73
Hunter, John    
Hutchenson, Jones 05/02/1924 86
Hutcherson, Hannah 05/18/1921 65
Igo, John 09/19/1918 80
Irwin, John B.   80
Jackson, Bessie 09/24/1918 42
Jackson, Charles 03/18/1920 59
Jarvis, Eliza 05/15/1898 70
Jaycox, Edward 04/22/1918 78
Johnson, Hirum 07/07/1890 72
Johnson, John 05/08/1931 75
Johnson, Peter 06/28/1926 75
Jones, George 12/16/1889 74
Kehoe, Timothy 10/15/1923 85
Kellye, Charles 12/16/1918 90
Kimble, Mary E. 07/07/1928 76
King, Ann   76
Kingsley, Jane 03/25/1899 85
Kingsley, William 07/05/1896 28
Kniffin, Permilia 03/16/1890 92
Knight, Delia 12/12/1889  
Knippin, Mary 01/21/1890 41
Lambert, David 10/06/1896  
Lamey, Michael 03/18/1909  
Lent, Jane 12/12/1882 19
Lewis, John 06/07/1923 72
Lindley, John 06/25/1899 87
Lomeroun, Emma 08/18/1906 85
Longpipe, Andres 02/15/1909 20
Main, James 07/06/1896 22
Mandick, Michael 02/03/1923 52
Manion, Della 10/19/1919 80
Mann, James 07/31/1882 62
Mathews, John 12/31/1890  
Mathews, William 07/05/1889 24
McBride, Elizabeth 10/23/1923 70
McCann, Jonus   91
McCann, Lottie 09/15/1921 82
McCann, Mary 08/11/1922  
McClare, William   89
McConnel, Ann 04/19/1883 77
McEva, Maggie 07/16/1883 93
McNulty, Dominick 07/04/1896 69
McPhelmey, James 05/09/1919 70
Mellen, Doris 06/04/1889 46
Membree, Andrew J. 07/04/1920 70
Miller, Charles 03/15/1924 66
Millspaugh, Kerr 04/10/1901
Miner, Wilhel 12/09/1889 87
Moore, Thomas 05/08/1889 45
Mulany, Edward 07/28/1883 36
Mullison, John E. 11/18/1921 73
Munhill, Margaret 02/15/1924 57
Murphy, Patric 05/29/1923 71
Myers, Emeline 02/20/1895  
Nailer, Michael 01/27/1929 67
Newel, Catherine 04/27/1883 93
Nooman, Edward 07/11/1909 16
O'Conner, James 03/21/1924 84
Odell, Mary 10/22/1894 86
Older, James 03/18/1921 53
Ostrander, William 04/16/1892 13
Owen, Anna 12/17/1889  
Padget, David 04/16/1890 76
Parson, William 09/15/1899  
Patterson, Thursa 10/27/1897 67
Payn, Prosper S.    
Poundtree, Daniel 05/21/1921 89
Powell, Russell 10/31/1926 87
Prospreve, Hock 11/08/1921 83
Purcell, Abraham 05/18/1928 74
Purdy, James A. 03/16/1924 73
Quirk, Frank 11/11/1894 70
Ravin, Joseph 06/12/1904 22
Reed, Thomas 04/19/1883 87
Rerthole, James 09/16/1930 65
Riley, Phebe L. 02/11/1883 30
Robertson, Hannah 05/20/1926 81
Robertson, Thomas 03/15/1883 60
Rockafellow, Jeriah 10/14/1889 60
Rose, Hannah 01/26/1897 106
Rupert, Nicolas 04/19/1922 75
Ryerson, Abraham 05/03/1931 82
Saunders, John 02/01/1923 79
Scanlon, Daniel 10/09/1896 66
Scullen, Mary 07/23/1890 72
Seelley, Frenland 12/17/1917 23
Shine, Fred 03/29/1890 50
Shultz, Susan M. 11/17/1882 80
Simpson, George 09/18/1918 62
Smith, Hughy 05/11/1899 89
Smith, John 02/01/1883 65
Smith, Joseph 01/12/1919 64
Smith, William 11/20/1889 67
Springstead, Delima 01/22/1890 32
Stradbaum, Herman 12/04/1935 86
Streeter, Daniel 02/09/1883 78
Streighter, Sarah 03/26/1883 50
Sung, Tung Wung 09/01/1931 60
Talmaoge, Hannah 02/14/1890 22
Tappen, Charles H. 02/20/1923 65
Taylor, George W. 11/19/1913 70
Terrance, Margaret 04/30/1889  
Tobie, Charles 02/19/1928 76
Trepasso, Angelo 11/09/1922 86
Turner, Charles 06/12/1920 78
VanDerbilt, William 05/14/1899  
Vanamburgh, Henry 10/12/1890 80
Veslett, Jerome 09/13/1896 25
Wagner, Silas 10/21/1923 71
Wagoner, John 03/24/1919 81
Walch, Barbara 10/22/1893 32
Walters, Peter 06/15/1928 73
Weller, Mable 03/14/1909 16
Welton, Ruben 08/14/1934 73
White, Joseph 03/20/1921 74
Wilson, William 03/30/1890 26
Wolfe, John 04/07/1923 68
Wood, Abraham 07/01/1923 78
Wood, Tamar 07/10/1882 78
Worden, Alvin 12/18/1883 79

Photographs of Potter's Field

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